TODAY & TOMORROW: How JFS is providing help and hope during COVID-19 - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

TODAY & TOMORROW: How JFS is providing help and hope during COVID-19

Today & Tomorrow: Together, we will focus on the recovery of our community.

Jewish Family Service’s COVID-19 Relief Fund (previously named the JFS Emergency Response Fund) was launched in mid-March to respond to the urgent needs facing San Diego’s most vulnerable community members as a result of the COVID-19 Crisis. Senior Center closures and remote school learning mean children, families and older adults, already struggling to make ends meet, are missing out on essential items like free meals and access to reliable childcare. And tens of thousands of people across our community – who have been laid off, furloughed, or are unable to work in order to care for their children or older parents – are finding themselves unable to pay the rent, put food on the table, or fill a prescription because of lost wages.

The JFS COVID-19 Relief Fund allows JFS to nimbly respond to the most urgent needs of our community with impactful services and compassionate care. Your unrestricted gift today will allow JFS to deliver services to address the most pressing needs in our community. Supporting us today will help ensure that our general operations and emergency services provide a holistic response, including, but not limited to: 

  • Increased provision of home-delivered meals and free groceries
  • Direct financial assistance for rent, medical and other expenses
  • Increased transportation for seniors
  • Employment services and counseling

Learn more about our impact by visiting