JFS Positive Parenting Program - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

JFS Positive Parenting Program

The Positive Parenting Program at JFS utilizes a proven child abuse prevention curricula called Triple P (one of the most rigorously evaluated parenting programs in the world: www.triplep.net).

Funded by the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency the program utilizes small groups, individual sessions, and brief workshops to teach these research proven parenting skills to more than 2,400 parents, caregivers, and staff throughout San Diego County each year.

JFS’s implementation of Triple P in San Diego County has gained international attention for its high quality service delivery and recently received the 2016 San Diego Child Abuse Prevention Coordinating Council’s Program of the Year “STARS” Award, and the 2016 San Diego County Behavioral Health System’s “Community Education Program of the Year Award.”

In this video, you can see how Positive Parenting transforms the lives of families with young children by improving every day experiences.