Ways to Give - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

Ways to Give

Make a Donation

Our supporters are people with passion – for serving others and strengthening our community. We’re committed to helping you bring that passion to life.

For more information, contact our development team at (858) 637-3300.

In-Kind Donations

  • JFS typically only accepts new items.
  • JFS is unable to pick up donations.
  • JFS does not typically accept furniture or mattresses.

There may be exceptions, based on agency needs at the time of the donation.

For security purposes, JFS requires pre-approval and scheduling for all on-site donation drop-offs with Julia at inkinddonations@jfssd.org or (858) 637-7373.

*If you believe your donation is valued at $5,000 or more and you want to deduct the value from your taxes, the IRS will require you to pay for a qualified appraisal prior to making your donation.

Furniture Donations

Unfortunately, we suspended our Furniture Donation Program in 2018. We greatly appreciate the time you invested in contacting us about your donations and apologize for the inconvenience. If you would like to connect to another charitable furniture donation program, we recommend the San Diego Rescue Mission, AMVETS, San Diego Habitat for Humanity, or The Salvation Army.

In August of 2023, Jewish Family Service of San Diego received Charity Navigator’s highest 4-star rating for the sixteenth consecutive year. Only 1% of charities reviewed nationwide have achieved such high standards of sound fiscal management, accountability, and transparency year after year.