Social Media Policy - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

Social Media Policy

JFS Social Media Policy

We believe everyone in our community has the right to express their opinions and spark discussions about how we can better serve San Diego. The comment section on our blog and social media posts should be an open forum where we can brainstorm, engage with diverse perspectives, and have our viewpoints challenged. We know the key to a stronger, healthier San Diego is representing a wide array of beliefs, identities, and backgrounds through all our programs and platforms. We want to move forward, together.

However, we firmly believe that conversations taking place on our web content must be honest, respectful, and productive. While we encourage differing opinions and new ideas, we do not tolerate comments that harass, threaten, or defame Jewish Family Service, our staff, our programs, our volunteers, and our clients. We ask that you:

  1. Be truthful about who you are. If you represent corporate or government interest, are being paid for the views you are expressing, or have a conflict of interest with JFS, you are welcome to contribute to the conversation. But please let everyone know your identity and who you represent, so we can all understand the context behind your comments.
  2. Be respectful. Do not: use foul language, make personal attacks, spam the comment section with multiple posts in a row, make discriminatory remarks, provoke criminal activity, or spread false information. We know not everyone will get along or agree – please be civil in your disagreements.
  3. Stick to the conversation; Don’t spam or promote other interests. Please refrain from promoting commercial items, services, or events no matter how much they might relate to the topic being discussed. The content we post is a space for community conversation, not for generating new sales leads.

We reserve the right to delete comments or block users who violate our Social Media Policy without warning.

Additionally, please be aware that the comments posted do not necessarily represent the views and values of JFS. If you want to learn more about our official stance on a wide variety of community topics, head to our Newsroom to find official press releases.

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If you have questions about the JFS Social Media Policy, contact us online.