We Stand With Dreamers - JFSSD
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We Stand With Dreamers

Media Statement: We Stand With Dreamers Re: U.S. Department of Homeland Security DACA Updates

From Michael Hopkins, CEO, Jewish Family Service of San Diego

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s announcement today that it will not accept new Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) applications is cruel and unnecessary.

This announcement is also in direct defiance of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland’s court order on July 17, 2020 that the federal administration must begin accepting first-time DACA applications again.

The federal administration relentlessly continues its work to disrupt DACA, a program widely supported by 85% of Americans. Today’s announcement also limited DACA recipients’ renewals from every two years to one, adding additional barriers and challenges.

These continual policy changes are causing significant trauma and anxiety to Dreamers. Nobody deserves this treatment. These policy changes are a threat to their future and the lives they’ve worked so hard to make for themselves.

DACA recipients and Dreamers know no home other than the United States. United, Jewish Family Service of San Diego stands with the nation’s more than 700,000 DACA recipients and 1.1 million estimated Dreamers, who were brought to the U.S. as children and are now hardworking students and critical members of our workforce. Their future impacts all of us. Dreamers are our family members, loved ones, colleagues and students/classmates.

Congress must act now to protect Dreamers: We strongly urge Congress to propose and approve legislation with robust protections to safeguard Dreamers from these attacks and potential deportation.

Since the inception of DACA in June 2012, Jewish Family Service has assisted with more than 1,000 DACA applications and renewals, including over 70 currently pending applications before U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Dreamers voluntarily share their personal information with the federal government; pay fees, state and local taxes; and have passed stringent background checks. They have worked hard for this status.

With an estimated 40,000 Dreamers living in our county, we have seen firsthand how Dreamers build a stronger, healthier, more resilient San Diego. We implore Congress to take action to offer stronger protections for these hardworking individuals who should never have to fear being turned away from the country they call home.


We Stand With Dreamers.