Media Statement Re: DACA Termination and Action Needed by Congress From Michael Hopkins, CEO, Jewish Family Service of San Diego - JFSSD
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Media Statement Re: DACA Termination and Action Needed by Congress From Michael Hopkins, CEO, Jewish Family Service of San Diego

Jewish Family Service of San Diego (JFS) believes that terminating Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), revoking the legal status of almost 800,000 children and young adults, is cruel and unnecessary. It is also destructive to the economy and community in San Diego County, as well as the U.S. overall.

Congress must act immediately to pass the DREAM Act (Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, and Sen. Dick Durbin, D-IL), which allows individuals under the DACA program, also known as “Dreamers,” to be legally and permanently in the U.S., without conditions, trade-offs, or punishments for anyone, so that they can continue to go to school, work and meaningfully contribute to society.

DACA allows immigrants who came to the U.S. under the age of 16 – many who know no other home – to be considered for legal immigration status and not be deported. All applicants are thoroughly vetted and must be students or have completed high school or military service, and not pose a threat to national security or public safety.

Since the inception of DACA in June 2012, Jewish Family Service has assisted with more than 250 DACA applications and renewals, including 23 currently pending applications before USCIS. JFS is conducting an info session for clients to discuss post-DACA FAQ and other forms of immigration relief.

DACA is a widely popular policy with bipartisan support. Dreamers are productive members of society, with 95 percent enrolled in college, the military or workforce. With the seventh largest population of DACA eligible residents of any U.S. county (38,000 San Diegans), San Diego County will greatly suffer with DACA’s termination.

In carrying out the tradition of “Welcoming the Stranger,” JFS affirms its Jewish values and honors the U.S.’s history as a nation established by refugees and built by generations of immigrants. Dreamers strengthen our social fabric and make San Diego more prosperous and competitive in a changing world.

To voice support for the DREAM Act, contact Congress now via

Sandy Young / Ashley Weaver
J. Walcher Communications, (619) 295-7140