Moving Forward In This Critical Time For Our Community - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

Press Releases

Moving Forward In This Critical Time For Our Community

As an organization that is deeply rooted in Jewish values including R’fuah (Healing) and Tikvah (Hope), we grieve for the loss of lives in Israel and Gaza. The horrific Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7 targeted Jews and other civilians in Israel with unspeakable cruelty. The 240 hostages must be released and action must be taken to ensure this never happens again. We are concerned for all of the displaced people in Israel and Gaza and the innocent civilians who are seeking safety during this conflict.

The reaction to the crisis is having a direct impact here in the United States and here in San Diego. The rise in hate acts and speech, the rise in anti-Semitism, and the fear for safety in the Jewish community is real. We are also profoundly concerned about the rise in Islamophobia hate-fueled acts and speech. These actions and behaviors are in direct opposition to our values and work as an organization.

Each day, JFS lives out our value of repairing the world, to support people from all backgrounds and to bring compassion and humanity to every moment.

JFS remains committed to realizing our purpose to partner with people of all backgrounds to build stable and dignified lives. And our vision that, together, we create a stronger and healthier community where everyone can thrive.