JFS Statement About DACA Reinstatement - JFSSD
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Press Releases

JFS Statement About DACA Reinstatement

From Kate Clark, Senior Director of Immigration, Jewish Family Service of San Diego

Jewish Family Service of San Diego (JFSSD) applauds a federal judge’s decision to restore the DACA program in full. This is a great positive step for the many people who have been waiting to apply for DACA for the first time. Our country’s foundation and great history is built by immigrants, and we are encouraged that this decision marks the end of the anti-immigrant policies that have denied justice, safety, opportunity and hope for so many DACA recipients and undocumented youth across our nation.

Since the inception of DACA in June 2012, Jewish Family Service has assisted over 700 individuals with more than 1,000 DACA applications and renewals. JFSSD’s Higher Education Legal Services also provides local college communities with pro bono immigration legal services, including for DACA. To learn more or get help, visit www.jfssd.org/hels.