Jewish Family Service of San Diego Statement Re: Biden Administration’s HARP/PACR Revamp - JFSSD
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Jewish Family Service of San Diego Statement Re: Biden Administration’s HARP/PACR Revamp

From CEO Michael Hopkins

Time and time again, the Biden Administration continues to violate its campaign promises to establish compassionate, human-centered immigration reform, now with the planned revival of two Trump-era policies previously known as Prompt Asylum Claim Review and the Humanitarian Asylum Review Process (PACR/HARP). The fact that the Administration ended these policies upon taking office, only to reinstate them less than two years later, is inexcusable and horrific.

As a legal and humanitarian services provider that has been dedicated to working on behalf of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers for the past 105 years, Jewish Family Service of San Diego (JFS) condemns any actions that would further harm vulnerable migrant families and individuals seeking safety and security in the U.S.

While we have been advocating for migrants’ rights to access counsel for years, the system for expedited asylum processing requires migrants – including families with young children – to be detained in horrific conditions that no one, especially vulnerable populations fleeing from violence and persecution, should ever have to experience.

Reports from previous iterations of PACR/HARP found migrants were held far longer in U.S. Customs and Border Protections (CPB) detention facilities than these policies mandated, while forced to endure freezing temperatures, contaminated drinking water, and lack of food. Despite the Biden Administration’s promises, these conditions have yet to improve, and policies like PACR/HARP move us backward instead of forward.

We demand the Administration reconsider and put an immediate end to these plans.

About Jewish Family Service of San Diego
Jewish Family Service (JFS) and our partners in the San Diego Rapid Response Network are committed to continuing services to aid migrants, including providing respite shelter for asylum-seeking families, free legal services and education in response to ongoing immigration emergencies, and more. Community support funds this vital work via or

Founded in 1918, JFS is one of San Diego’s most impactful nonprofit agencies – providing resources and support to over 70,000 people every year. Through integrated services, the organization empowers people of all ages, faiths, and backgrounds to overcome challenges, set goals, and build more stable, secure, and connected lives. JFS is committed to helping individuals and families move forward while developing innovative strategies to break cycles of poverty and strengthen our San Diego community.   

To get help, volunteer or support JFS, visit or call 858-637-3000.
