Family Income for Empowerment Program - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

Family Income for Empowerment Program



In partnership with the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency’s Child and Family Well-Being Department (CFWB), the Family Income for Empowerment Program (FIEP) will give 485 families with children under 18 referred by CFWB unrestricted monthly cash support of $500 for 24 months. This program will look at how direct, “no strings attached” economic support impacts well-being and strengthens families.

Please note: referrals must come directly from Child and Family Well-Being. No outside referrals will be accepted.


Led by the County of San Diego Office of Evaluation, Performance, and Analytics (OEPA), the evaluation of this program will focus on how direct cash assistance impacts the well-being of families with children at risk of entry to foster care, who are directly referred by CFWB. Eligible families will reside in San Diego County and will have at least one child in the household under 18 years old at the time of application to the program. Residents of the 39 Health Equity ZIP codes and families who are unhoused will be prioritized in the lottery to be randomly selected to receive the cash payments. All eligible families who apply will be connected to optional supportive services and community resources. Program evaluation and future research will help inform systems change toward prevention and economic support to strengthen child and family well-being as an alternative to traditional child welfare intervention.

Take the Next Step

If you have any questions regarding the Jewish Family Service Economic Mobility programs, please contact us at [email protected] or at (858) 637-7350.