Patient Advocacy - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

Patient Advocacy

We’re here to listen to your concerns and help you understand your rights as a patient or resident.

Our Patient Advocates provide support and a voice for San Diegans who are receiving (or have received) behavioral health services at any inpatient psychiatric unit, crisis house, licensed residential treatment facility, licensed board and care, skilled nursing facility, and substance use disorder treatment facility. In partnership with both patients and providers, we work to protect patients from abuse, neglect, and discrimination. Behavioral health clients have the same legal rights afforded to every American citizen.

A new law in San Diego County expanding the definition of “gravely disabled” became effective January 1, 2025. 

The new definition expanded to include the following (changes underlined): A condition in which a person, as a result of a mental health disorder, a severe substance use disorder, or a co-occurring mental health disorder and a severe substance use disorder, is unable to provide for their basic personal needs for food, clothing, shelter, personal safety, or necessary medical care.

Access a one-page PDF that provides a detailed summary of the new legal definition of grave disability under SB-43.

“Your interdiction as a patient advocate for my fiancée probably saved her life. From the bottom of my heart, I want to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for what you have done for us.”


We Listen
to your concerns and investigate complaints.


We Respond
to grievances about rights violations during treatment and services.


We Represent
patients at legal and clinical review hearings.


We Connect
individuals with legal resources and mental health services.

We Educate
individuals on their rights and help them develop self-advocacy skills.


We Speak Up
for County Jail inmates receiving mental health services on the Psychiatric Security Unit.


We Monitor
behavioral health facilities for compliance with patients’ and residents’ rights laws, regulations, and policies.


We Partner
to provide in-service training for individuals and facility staff.


The Patient Advocacy team works to improve the behavioral health system by providing information, monitoring, training, and consulting to facilities throughout San Diego. Advocates are also certified to provide Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for social workers, marriage and family therapists, nurses, Skilled Nursing Facility Administrators, Substance Use Disorder Staff, and Board and Care Administrators.

Want to know more about your rights as a behavioral health consumer and your responsibilities as a provider? Read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and discover our resources below.


5150 Manual

5150 Manual
Additional information or training requests can be emailed to [email protected]

Emergency Response Plans

Moving Forward Together

A program of Jewish Family Service, funded by the County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency.