Adolescent Family Life Program - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

Adolescent Family Life Program

You Have Dreams. We Can Help.

Support for young parents.

The Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP) addresses the social, health, educational, and economic challenges of adolescent pregnancy by providing comprehensive case management services to expectant and parenting youth.

AFLP supports expectant and parenting youth in building their strengths and skills and linking them with services and resources. AFLP promotes healthy pregnancies, positive birth outcomes, improved health, and increased knowledge and skills related to positive parenting.

Goals of AFLP: Increase access and utilization of needed services, Increase Social and Emotional Support, Increase Educational Attainment, Improve pregnancy planning and spacing.

Take the Next Step

Call (858) 336-3710, email [email protected], or fill out our Referral Form to get started.


  • Expecting or Parenting, 21 years of age or younger.
  • Not enrolled in CALearn
  • Living within San Diego County

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this service free?

This service is free for all participants that are eligible for AFLP.

I am a father, do I qualify?

Yes, this program is for any youth that meets eligibility.

What languages are offered?

Case Managers are Bi-Lingual ( Spanish & English).

Does AFLP help with finding employment, child care, educational opportunities?

Yes. Once enrolled in AFLP, your Case Manager will collaborate with you to create goals and skills to navigate resources that are available to you and your child.

Do I have to go your office to receive services?

No, AFLP Case Managers will work with you to find a secure space. This can be anywhere in the community that the participant identifies as a private and safe space.

I would like to apply for AFLP.

Great! Follow the instructions below on our Contact Form and one of our AFLP staff members will be contacting you.

Stories from AFLP

Take The Next Step

Call (858) 336-3710, email [email protected], or fill out our Referral Form to get started.

This project has been made possible with funds (Grant Number SP1AH000013-01-00) from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office of Adolescent Health (OAH).