Jewish Family Service distributed the last payments in February for a two-year guaranteed income pilot program, “San Diego for Every Child.” The results reflect the findings of an experiment unfolding in dozens of similar programs across the country that ask the question: What happens if you give low-income people monthly cash, no strings attached?
Most recipients spend no-strings cash on food and groceries, basic retail items like backpacks, shoes and haircuts, housing and utilities, and transportation. Participants report not just their happiness and quality of life improving, but their relationships, too. Khea Pollard, San Diego for Every Child director, said programs like this are scalable—taxpayers are already spending the money. Most of the families in the pilot program were already working full- or part-time, and, as a result of the program, sought new opportunities. Now on track to becoming debt-free, they have money, and hope, to invest in their futures.