JFS-David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

Established by Dr. Robert Rubenstein and honors the memory of his son David, The JFS-David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship provides grants to students from San Diego’s Jewish Community who plan to attend college or vocational school. The program awards scholarships of up to $5,000, based on financial need, academic performance, and community involvement.

The JFS-David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship seeks to encourage young people to treasure their Jewish heritage, reflect on their Jewish values, and better understand their connection to the community.

“Receiving the Rubenstein Scholarship meant the world to me and enabled me to earn a bachelor’s in business administration and finance. More than anything, it helped me keep up with school and it also gave me the pleasure of meeting Dr. Bob and Marie who have been a huge inspiration to me and helped me shape who I want to be—both in this world and the Jewish community, leading by example. Now I take great pride in serving on the Rubenstein Scholarship Committee and giving back to the community.”

Lev Mizan
Former Scholarship Recipient & Scholarship Committee Member

Eligibility, Selection Criteria, & Disbursement

  • Be a Jewish high school, college, or graduate student planning to attend school full-time at an accredited public or private college, university, or vocational school in the U.S.
  • Be a legal and permanent resident of San Diego County for at least two years by the start of the upcoming academic year.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or documented legal permanent U.S. resident (green card).
  • Plan to contribute toward their own education through part-time work before or during the academic year (unpaid internships or volunteer work are also acceptable).
  • Be in current good academic standing with a minimum overall 3.0 GPA.
  • Demonstrate a meaningful connection and/or contribution to the Jewish Community.
  • Demonstrate financial need, as verified by FAFSA (Student Aid Report) and tax return.

JFS-David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship recipients are carefully chosen based on a variety of criteria determined by the Scholarship Committee.

All applicants will be notified in writing of the JFS-David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship Committee’s decision. Jewish Family Service reserves the right to publicize the names of the Scholarship recipients through our website, print publications, and local media.

Students are eligible to receive up to a total of four (4) years of JFS-David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship funding, and the funding years do not have to be consecutive. Scholarships are made on a year-to-year basis and are NOT automatically renewed. Scholarship recipients must submit a new application and the required documentation in compliance with the application deadlines, stated herein, for each year that they seek funding.

Scholarship funds will be sent directly to the academic institution the student is attending solely for use toward qualifying academic expenses, including tuition, room and board, books, school fees, or required academic supplies/equipment. Should the recipient not matriculate college by the date listed in the award, he or she agrees to forfeit the scholarship award.

Take the Next Step

Applications for 2024-2025 year have now ended.

Questions? Email [email protected].

Support the Scholarship

Allocate your donation to the JFS-David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship by contacting our Development Team at (858) 637-3300 or email us at [email protected]

“As someone who is a Jewish refugee from the Middle East, this Scholarship means so much to me coming from my own community. For five years I lived as a refugee in Syria until resettling in San Diego in 2011. JFS was there from day one. The Scholarship has helped me earn my bachelor’s in engineering, and now I’m working on my masters. For a long time I was hiding my Jewish identity because of anti-Semitism where I grew up. I never thought my identity could actually be a source of pride for me like it is today. I just received my first paycheck and donated part of it back to the scholarship fund because I want Jewish students to feel loved and cared for and inspire others to do the same.”

Kilian Colin
Refugee & Scholarship Recipient

2023 David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship Luncheon

Thank You To Our Scholarship Committee

Kira Finkenberg, Lev Mizan, Darren Schwartz, Fern Siegel, Brad Slavin, Jill Stone

Schools Attended by JFS-David Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship Recipients

American Jewish University • Azusa Pacific • Berklee College of Music • Carnegie Mellon University • Chapman University • Claremont McKenna College • Golden State University Law School • Hebrew University College • National University • Pace University • Palomar City College • Paul Mitchell • Portland State University • San Diego City College • San Diego Flight Training International • San Diego State University • Santa Barbara City College • Stern Yeshiva University • Tuffs University • Tulane University • University of Arizona • University of California Berkley • University of California Davis • University of California Irvine • University of California San Diego • University of California Santa Barbara • University of California Santa Cruz • University of California, Los Angeles • University of Oregon • University of Redlands • University of San Diego • University of Southern California • University of Washington