Teen Talk: Finding Connection, Coping Strategies, and Hope for the Future - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

Teen Talk: Finding Connection, Coping Strategies, and Hope for the Future

Teen Talk: Finding Connection, Coping Strategies, and Hope for the Future graphic

Date: Thursday, April 30

Sarah Greenstein, Guidance Counselor, San Diego Jewish Academy
Ashley McGuire, Professional Peacemaker and Restorative Justice Practitioner
Ali Shapiro and Ilana Goldklang, Teen Leaders, Jewish Family Service

Daria Tomsky, Teen Leadership Coordinator, Jewish Family Service
Matthew Ewing, Teen Leader, Jewish Family Service

Are you feeling isolated from your friends and classmates? Unmotivated in virtual school? Worried about the future or feeling anxious about college? It’s time for teens to talk about COVID-19. Join a panel of experts and local Teen Leaders for a Community Conversation that will focus on how to find connection, motivation, and a sense of belonging during these challenging times. From accessing mental health resources to creating daily routines, we’ll talk about our collective anxiety, find creative ways to stay connected, and learn how to navigate this crisis together.