The Center for Jewish Care is a place where our Jewish community convenes to live Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and put our shared Jewish values into action by doing good right here in San Diego. As a Center for Jewish Care volunteer, you’ll be connected to service opportunities that utilize your unique skills and talents. Come change lives with us through a mitzvah project, as a Jewish Big Pal, giving back as a family, or as a Center for Jewish Care driver, we offer several rewarding volunteer opportunities to participate in Gemilut Hasadim (acts of loving kindness). Join us and discover a volunteer opportunity that speaks to you!

Discover an opportunity that works for you!

Mitzvah Projects
Having a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a special time. It’s a time to embrace Jewish values and explore how you will make a difference in the world. JFS is here to help you craft a Mitzvah Project that meets your interests while making a positive impact in our community. Let us help you find the perfect project, we’ll ensure it’s both meaningful and rewarding.

Jewish Big Pals
Jewish Big Pals is a unique mentoring program for Jewish children, 2nd grade through high school, who are being raised in a variety of family situations — often by single parents, grandparents, or legal guardians. Bigs and Littles aim to get together twice a month to do what Littles find fun and interesting — whether arts and crafts or throwing a football at the beach. Part role model, part friend, Bigs are there to support kids on life’s most important journey — growing up. Through the interview process, our staff works to ensure that every match is a good fit for the participants.

Center for Jewish Care Volunteer Driver
Center for Jewish Care Volunteer Drivers provide no-contact home deliveries of holiday packages to Jewish Community members in need on a Quarterly basis. Volunteers may also be contacted as needed for unexpected or emergency deliveries. Using their own personal vehicles, Volunteer Drivers report to the JFS Joan and Irwin Jacob’s Campus in Kearney Mesa for their shift to pick up pre-assembled packages and delivery items, receive their route, and deliver to JFS clients’ homes.
Volunteers are the Heart of Jewish Family Service: More Opportunities
United by their passion for serving the community, JFS volunteers deliver meals, develop friendships with older adults, help immigrant families adjust to their new home, and much more. Discover all of our opportunities by visiting our main volunteer page with all of our opportunities.
Take the Next Step
Connect with our Volunteer Engagement team directly at (858) 637‑3050 or fill out our online application.
“For me, everything we do inside of our Jewish community, is really for the next generation — l’dor v’dor — and the longevity of our Jewish community — making sure we stay strong, we stay proud, and we are always there for each other.”
– Simone, Jewish Big Pal
“For me, volunteering really means community — learning about the different needs of your community, why it’s important, and what you can do to help. Making change in the world is something that JFS really made a priority for me.”
– Sadie, Teen Volunteer