Crystal & Kellan’s Safe Parking Program Story
December 18, 2019

At the end of 2016, Crystal and Kellan became homeless and began living out of their car. It felt like they were in a hole they couldn’t climb out of. And with two young kids, it was a daily struggle to hold on to hope.
“We hit rock bottom and had nowhere to go. We had no family that could house us. But then we found the Safe Parking Program. It just meant the world to us. We got back into a daily routine and found a sense of safety,” Kellan said.
In addition to a safe place to park at night, Crystal and Kellan found the support of their case manager and programs for their kids instrumental in their ability to find permanent housing.
“Everyone around us had the resources for the things we needed,” Crystal told us. “We didn’t have the first clue of how to get them. But they did.”
Even during the difficult times when they almost lost hope, the thought of their kids growing up in a car pushed them to work toward stable housing.
“I want my kids to be able to come home every day and not worry about where they can sleep. A place where they can play and have their friends over,” Kellan said.
Crystal and Kellan joined the Safe Parking Program in July 2018. By December 2018, the family moved into an apartment of their own in East County.