Our Jewish Values - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

Our Jewish Values

Why We Serve

At JFS, we believe that the only thing that matters as much as what we do is the spirit in which we do it. Through our work, we live our Jewish values. They are the driving force behind our actions and the foundation of everything we do.

More profoundly than who we serve, our identity as a Jewish agency speaks to why we serve. Guided by the value of tikkun olam, repairing the world, we strive to be a vital resource for all of San Diego. We celebrate the diversity of our staff, supporters, clients, and volunteers and find unity in the strong community we are building together.

Connected to JFS

We’re committed to meeting people where they are and providing the resources and support they need to move forward.

Come Change Lives with Us

From mentoring youth to helping older adults feel more connected, find the opportunity that speaks to you.

Stories that Inspire

The most meaningful evidence of our agency’s impact is not a statistic but a story, told by someone who knows our work better than anyone.